Dr. Antonello Russo Studio

A team at the service of companies, professionals, and citizens.
Consultation and assistance in fiscal, tax, accounting, financial, administrative, and corporate matters since 1994.

Our expertise at your service.

Our complete range of professional services.

Administrative and Accounting Assistance

The firm assists the entrepreneur in all administrative/accounting areas through agile and continuous services, thus freeing the client from compliance burdens and worries.
• Accounting management in-house and/or at the client’s premises for sole proprietors, partnerships, and corporations;
• Preparation of annual financial statements, periodic situations, and budget forecasts;
• Management of issues related to electronic invoicing;
• Relations with administrative and tax offices.

Fiscal Advisor

The fiscal consultancy encompasses all sectors of direct and indirect taxes. Areas of intervention:
• Fiscal declarations;
• Recurring fiscal procedures and practices;
• Updates on developments in fiscal legislation;
• International conventions on double taxation, issues, and applications;
• Fiscal review and planning;
• Fiscal representation of non-resident subjects;
• Fiscal/Tax Consultancy aimed at fiscal planning.

Corporate Advisor

Special attention is dedicated to consulting aimed at solving problems related to extraordinary corporate finance.
Among the areas of intervention, we mention:
• Feasibility studies for new businesses or new activities;
• Corporate formations
• Extraordinary operations (Leases, transfers, Transformations, Mergers, Splits, and Company contributions)
• Study and drafting of statutes and social agreements
• Assistance in insolvency proceedings, also aimed at company recovery;
• Corporate and commercial law
• Typical and atypical contracts
• Succession in businesses;
• Residential and commercial lease contracts.

Financial Statement Analysis

The analysis of financial statements is a technique that uses the data from one or more company balances and reworks them to obtain information that is not limited to the detection of operating income and the capital employed in management but allows interpreting the main aspects in which company management is articulated: economic, capital, financial.

Business Valuation

The issue of business valuation gains more importance every day, both in terms of theoretical elaboration and professional applicability. The widespread interest among economic operators and professional categories is constantly growing; Technical experience gained and the possibility to rely on an interdisciplinary team allow us to formulate a reliable and impartial judgment in case of extraordinary corporate operations.

Tax Consultancy

Our structure ensures full and effective assistance in the most delicate phase of the relationship between the taxpayer and the Financial Administration, both to prevent the emergence of disputes and for the management and the best solution of the same.
We assist the taxpayer in the phase of fiscal checks by the Offices or the Guardia di Finanza, in the drafting of integrative declarations (“voluntary disclosure”), assistance in the practices of assessment with adherence, or tending to the annulment of tax acts on the basis of the principle of self-protection.
When the phase of prevention is not feasible, the firm takes care of representing disputes before the competent Tax Courts (preparation of appeals, memorials, requests for suspension of collection, participation in hearings, and the possible definition through the provided institutions).

Corporate and Financial Statement Audit

This activity is carried out both in compliance with legal provisions and by managerial will.
The goal is to express a professional judgment on the reliability with which the financial statement presents, as a whole, the asset and financial situation and the economic result with reference to accounting principles established by law and general practice.

Varese, Four shots for Four Seasons

The territory, nature, and its history through the lens of Carlo Meazza
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